Unity Tutorial for Beginners Image from Ackosmic Games

Installing Unity

In this tutorial series we will learn how to “Install” the “Unity” game engine in our computers, how to “Create” a “New Project”, we will take a look at the “Development Interface”, we will also see how to install “Visual Studio Code” and enable it as our default Code Editor in Unity; in other words “how to prepare Unity to start creating our own video games”  🙂 Unity Tutorials Level: Beginner.

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Unity Tutorial for Beginners Image from Ackosmic Games

2. Installing Visual Studio Code for Unity

Visual Studio Code is a great code editor and fully compatible with Unity. If you don’t know it and you want to start working with it; this little tutorial is for you 🙂 Unity Tutorial Level: Beginner. 2.1 Why Visual Studio Code? Due to the Unity’s announcement in which talks about “MonoDevelop” will no longer be the default code editor for the next releases of Unity game engine (see https://blogs.unity3d.com/en/2018/01/ 05 / discontinuing-support-for-monodevelop-unity-starting-in-unity-2018-1 /); those […]

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Unity Tutorial for Beginners Image from Ackosmic Games

1. First Steps with Unity

If you don’t know about the Unity Game Engine and want to start working with it; this little tutorial will be a great help for you 🙂 Unity Tutorial Level: Beginner. 1.1 Installing Unity Before installing Unity in your computer, make sure that it complies with the Unity system requirements; you can see these requirements at : https://unity3d.com/unity/system-requirements . Note: Unity does not talk too much about this topic; but in addition to the above requirements, […]

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